
The Credit Conversation Lounge

The Credit Conversation Lounge was created for individuals to have a relaxed, fun, virtual learning environment you can come to and get credit therapy A-Z financial literacy, budgeting tips, one-time discovery call and monthly communication calls, and much more!
" Grab Life By The Hand And Take The Lead" ~Tiesha~

Who Am I ?

Hi, I’m Tiesha Davis, I am the CEO/Founder of Davis Financial Consultants, LLC, and The Credit Conversation Lounge. I am a mother of one amazing son and a special education teacher for 7th & 8th grade. I started learning the credit industry in 2017, by cleaning up my own credit. In 2018, I was a contracted Credit Specialist for a company in Delaware. This sent me into overdrive with wanting to help people that were just like me. In 2019, I decided to launch my own company Flawless Credit Therapy, LLC. Here we are 2021 my company grew rapidly. I have helped many clients on the road to financial freedom. My company now offers services leading me to merge. Now I super excited you have joined the conversation lets start talking credit.